(For a pdf version, see here)

(last updated: September 7, 2024)


2024-2027 Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (DFG funded project)

2022-2024 Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellow, Trinity College Dublin

Academic Visits

2024 CUNY Graduate Center (hosted by Graham Priest, Feb.–Apr.)


2017-2021 PhD in Philosophy, University of Manchester
Dissertation: Metametaphysics: Paraphrase and Explication (passed with no corrections)
Examiners: Otávio Bueno, Scott Shalkowski
Supervisors: Chris Daly, David Liggins

2015-2017 Master of Arts in Logic and Philosophy of Science, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, Ludwig-
Maximilians-Universität München
Dissertation: The Relationship of QUARC and Classical Logic

2007-2014 Magister Artium in Philosophy, Mathematics, and Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Dissertation: A Formal Account of Aristotle's Theory of Substance in Metaphysics Z-H

Grants and Funding

€305,732 German Research Foundation (DFG), Project: MODREQUAM - Modal Reasoning, Quarc and Metaphysics (3 years;
project number 517008210; joint project with Matteo Pascucci who is funded by the Austrian Research Council
FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds) (offered) 

€99,513 Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship (Irish Research Council), Project: Explication, Tolerance, and 
Pluralism, Sep. 2022-Aug. 2024

£50,708 PhD Studentship, School of Social Sciences, The University of Manchester, Sep. 2017-Jan. 2021

€2,400 Stipendiary of the Hans-Rudolf-Stiftung München, Oct. 2012-Sep. 2014


2019 Open Minds XIV


Axiomathes, Dialectica, Erkenntnis, Mind, Philosophical Quarterly, Review of Symbolic Logic, Synthese, Metaphilosophy, Philosopher's Imprint, Foundations of Science

Recent Presentations

Sep. 2024 Structural Ontological Commitment, German Congress for Philosophy XXVI, Universität Münster, Germany

Aug. 2024 Structural Ontological Commitment, XXV World Congress of Philosophy, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

May 2024 Mathematical Theories and Informal Mathematics, Bridging the Gap: The Importance of Communicating
Mathematical Research to Laypeople and in Education, University of the Balearic Islands, Spain

Apr. 2024 Modal QUARC and Barcan, Logic Colloquium, the University of Connecticut, USA

Apr. 2024 Modal QUARC and Barcan, CUNY Logic Workshop, CUNY Graduate Center, USA

Aug. 2023 Quine, Ontology, and Ontological Commitment, The 11th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (ECAP11),
University of Vienna, Austria

Jun. 2023 Ontological Commitment Exposed, Issues on the (Im)Possible (I)X, Bratislava, Slovakia

Dec. 2022 Tolerant Explication, X Conference of the Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy (SEFA 2022), University of
Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Oct. 2022 Quine, Ontology, and Ontological Commitment, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (invited)

Aug. 2022 Quine, Ontology, and Ontological Commitment, 5th Annual TiLPS History of Analytic Philosophy Workshop,
Tilburg University, Netherlands

Aug. 2022 Too Many Dutch Book Arguments?, The Fourth International Conference of the German Society for
Philosophy of Science (GWP.2022), TU Berlin, Germany

Jun. 2022 From Paraphrase to Tolerance, Sixth Italian Conference in Analytic Metaphysics and Ontology (ITAONT-6),
University of L’Aquila, Italy (cancelled)

May 2022 Easy Ontology and Conservativeness, uAnalytiCon-2022: Abstract Objects, Ural Federal University, Russia